The day after Christmas can be a tough one. It’s unrealistic but it would be nice to hang on to Dec. 24th all year round. I miss the family gatherings, Christmas music and how nice strangers are! Texans are naturally nice people but Christmas cheer is so enjoyable Texas style.
I wanted to say a big ‘THANKS’ to everyone that sent us those lovely cards featuring their Doodles, emails greetings and Facebook posts. Although I just love raising Doodles and everything that goes along with it, I feel I have been singled out for a special blessing by meeting so many wonderful new families and friends. Keeping up with the pups as they grow up, helps me feel a part of the joy. Seeing the children grow up with their pups is an eye opener. Time is passing far too quickly! As my youngest daughter has now gone off to college ( almost finished), I see others I first met as youngsters, now adults and some even wanting their 2nd doodle already! Thanks so much for taking the time to stay in touch.
As for the New Year, have a Happy one. Enjoy your family and make new friends, look forward to new challenges and set goals, embrace changes and laugh a lot! Each day is a ‘good day to be alive’.
All the best and God bless,
The Wells family

It’s a good life!