Willie Nelson is a Therapy Goldendoodle!
Are you wondering about therapy dog training for goldendoodles? Anyone with a goldendoodle in their life knows that they have an amazing ability to connect with people. As such, we’ve had quite a few of our sweet Rainfield goldendoodle puppy go on to get their therapy dog training, with some going even further and becoming service dogs. Every time we hear from one of our Rainfield familes that their dog has gotten their therapy dog certification, we like to give them a big old Texas shout out!

Today we are here to celebrate Willie Nelson, one of our Rainfield F1 goldendoodle dogs. Willie just passed his Therapy Dog testing and is eager to start visiting longterm care facilities in the fall. He says that it’s going to tough work having to visit all those friendly people who will shower him with love and pats and sometimes treats, but some dog has GOTTA do it, right? Good job, Willie! We are rooting for ya!
Tip – How to Get Your Doodle in Therapy Dog Training
Goldendoodles are smart, eager to please and love to learn, so if you have the time and want to share some of that doodle love with others in need in this way, therapy dog training for goldendoodles can be a perfect solution. We recommend starting early giving your goldendoodle puppy their basic training wit a good trainer (once they have their all their shots). Be sure to thoroughly socialize your puppy by taking them out and exposing them to a variety of real-life situations and a variety of people.
Once you get their basic training finished, if they’ve done well and seem like a good fit and temperment for therapy work, go ahead and keep going on their training. Get them into the intermediate and advanced dog training classes. Some trainers are able to give your goldendoodle the Canine Good Citizen Test, which your doodle will need to qualify for Therapy dog training. If your trainer does not offer this, ask them for recommedations of where you can get this. Once your goldendoodle has their CGC (Canine Good Citizen) certificate, they will need to take a test to qualify as a therapy dog. Some trainers offer Therapy Dog Test prep classes to get your doodle ready for the big day. Once they have their certification, organizations like Paws for Therapy can get your connected to facilities looking for certified Therapy Dogs.
If you have the time (and a doodle), we hope you will consider therapy dog training for goldendoodles.